荷蘭的瓦赫甯根大學(Wageningen University)有一個博士生項目“‘Bioflocs and probiotics for shrimp; are there synergies?”開放申請。相關要求和項目描述如下,有興趣者請直接與瓦赫甯根大學Johan Verreth教授聯系。
The PhD project is entitled ‘Bioflocs and probiotics for shrimp; are there synergies?’. A brief description of the project objectives is given below. Dr Marc Verdegem is the project leader. The project is a collaborative study of the Chairs in Aquaculture and Fisheries (we) and Microbial Ecology (prof. Hauke Smidt).
The study is partly funded. We have secured funds for the research via support from a major Multinational Company specialized in prebiotics and probiotics willing to cover the research costs (Dupont). Therefore, we are looking for a PhD candidate who has a scholarship to study abroad to take up this interesting project.
Candidates with a scholarship to study abroad, with top level marks and who passed the entrance requirements of Wageningen University, and with a background in microbial aspects of aquaculture are welcome to work in this project.
Bioflocs and probiotics for shrimp; are there synergies?
Focus of the research can be at animal (shrimp) level (mainly looking at GI functioning), at system level (biofloc ecology & production, nutritional quality, quality of rearing environment for shrimp) or animal/system interaction level (DFMs ==> faeces ==> biofloc <==> shrimp).