陳廷貴,Impact of fuel subsidies on bottom trawl fishery operation in China,Marine Policy,138(2022)
姜啟軍,Pre- and post-production water treatment in the food processing industry: managerial perceptions of environmental pressure increase adoption of voluntary environmental management.,China Agricultural Economic Review,Volume 14 Issue 3
沈欣,Factors Influencing Consumers’ Purchase Intention on Cold Chain Aquatic Products under COVID-19: An Investigation in China,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2022年第19期
劉喬,The Mechanism of Household Waste Sorting Behaviour—A Study of Jiaxing, China,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2022,19
李玉峰,Public-Public Collaboration for Food Safety Risk Management: Essence, Modes, and Identification of Key Influencing Factors Using DANP,Frontiers in Public Health,Volume10,2022,
張英麗,The Impact of the Green Credit Policy on the Short-Term and Long-Term Debt Financing of Heavily Polluting Enterprises: Based on PSM-DID Method,International Journal of environmental research and public health,2022,19
李玉峰,Research on the Long-Term Governance Mechanism of Urban and Rural Living Environment Based on the Ordered Logistic-ISM Model in the Perspective of Sustainable Development,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2022, 19
劉為軍,Assuring Food Security: Consumers’ Ethical Risk Perception of Meat Substitutes,Agriculture,2022年第12期
伍大清,Research on the Time-Dependent Split Delivery Green Vehicle Routing Problem for Fresh Agricultural Products with Multiple Time Windows,Agriculture,2022年14期
伍大清,An aquatic product price forecast model using VMD-IBES-LSTM hybrid approach,Agriculture,2022,12
劉為軍,A Review of the Challenges Facing Global Commercialization of the Artificial Meat Industry,Foods,2022年第11期
穆罕默德,Unveiling the linkage between hydropower growth and tourism sustainability in EU27 region: An empirical analysis,Sustainable Development,2022
穆罕默德,Moving toward environmental sustainability: Assessing the influence of geothermal power on carbon dioxide emissions in EU economies,RENEWABLE ENERGY,2022
穆罕默德,Does hydropower production influence agriculture industry growth to achieve sustainable development in the EU economies?,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2022
穆罕默德,Unveiling the impacts of geothermal energy growth on food security in EU27 region: an empirical analysis,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2022
孫琛,Asymmetric Price Transmission and Market Power: A Case of the Aquaculture Product Market in China,Sustainability,2022, 14,
沈欣,The Moderating Effect of Perceived Policy Effectiveness in Residents’ Waste Classification Intentions: A Study of Bengbu, China,Sustainability,2022,14
楊衛,Heterogeneous Impact of Economic Policy Uncertainty on Provincial Environmental Pollution Emissions in China,Sustainability,2022,14
陳廷貴,Consumers’ purchase intention of wild freshwater fish during the COVID‐19 pandemic,Agribusiness,2022;1-18
車斌,Between Tradition, Strategies and Taste: Understanding Fish Consumption Habits in Togo,Sustainability,2022, 14
姜啟軍,Benefit Linkage Effect, Organizational Structure and Collaboration Performance: An Empirical Study of the Agricultural Industrialization Consortium in Shanghai, China,Sustainability,2022,14
伍大清,Optimizing Fresh Logistics Distribution Route Based on Improved Ant Colony Algorithm,Computers, Materials & Continua,2022,vol.73
伍大清,A New Route Optimization Approach of Fresh Agricultural Logistics Distribution,Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing,2022,vol.34
劉坤,Effects of Timing in Irrigation and Fertilization on Soil NO3−-N Distribution, Grain Yield and Water–Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Drip-Fertigated Winter Wheat in the North China Plain,WATER,2022,14
陳廷貴,Consumers' purchase intention of wild freshwater fish in China from the perspective of ecological protection,British Food Journal,2022, 124 (10)
伍大清,Chinese Freshwater Aquaculture: A Comparative Analysis of the Competitiveness on Regional Aquaculture Industries,Aquaculture and Fisheries,2022
沈欣,Predicting sustainable food consumption across borders based on the theory of planned behavior: A meta-analytic structural equation model,PLoS ONE,2022卷17
徐璞,Research on the relationship between urban agricultural non-point source pollution and rural residents’ income growth,Journal of Environmental and Public Health,Volume 2022
陳璇,Do negative environmental media reports increase environmental information disclosures A comparative analysis based on political connections and market competition,Managerial and Decision Economics,2022;1-21
李玉峰,Research on the green production motivation of new agricultural business entities: benefit perception and environmental regulation,Journal of Environment and Public Health,Volume 2022
李欣,An empirical analysis of the relationship between China's marine economy and marine environment,APPLIED NANOSCIENCE,2022
胡麥秀,The Potential of Sino–Russian Energy Cooperation in the Arctic Region and Its Impact on China’s Energy Security,Scientific Programming,Volume 2022
穆罕默德,A revisit to the relationship between geothermal energy growth and underground water quality in EU economies,ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY,2022年
馬庫斯,Trust Dynamics after Financial Distress: Evidence from Euro Member Countries,Applied Economics Letters,Volume 29, 2022
陳廷貴,The Livelihood Strategy Transformation of Retired Fishing Households under the Background of the Fishing Ban Policy in the Yangtze River,China,,J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ.,Volume 67,2022
楊正勇,Does aquatic products trade waste or save water resources? An analysis of virtual water trade,WATER POLICY,2022,24
黃蓉,Impact of ASEAN-China free trade area on fishery value chain based on difference-in-difference method,Applied Mathenatics and Nonlinear Sciences,2022
伍大清,Research on EVRP of Cold Chain Logistics Distribution Based on Improved Ant Colony Algorithm,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,2022,12
楊正勇,中國水産技術推廣效率測度及影響因素研究,統計與決策, 2022,38(11)
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曹俐,空間溢出視角下綠色信貸的碳排放效應研究——基于财政分權的調節作用,調研世界, 2022(10)
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楊正勇,新發展理念視角下中國漁業現代化發展水平評價及障礙因素研究,海洋湖沼通報, 2022,44(03)
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曹俐,基于準自然實驗的生态轉移支付政策環境效應評價,環境科學研究, 2022,35(11)
陳廷貴,虛拟嵌入視角下農戶社交電商參與行為及其影響研究——以陝西設施冬棗為例,農業現代化研究,2022, 43(4)
廖澤芳,中國附加值出口與人民币彙率脫鈎了嗎?——基于彙率不完全傳遞視角,管理現代化(雙月刊), 2022,42(03)
廖澤芳,估值視角下人民币國際化風險影響因素研究,金融與經濟, 2022(08)
黃蓉,技術創新效率對我國零售業發展的影響——基于不同零售技術創新維度,商業經濟研究, 2021(09)
黃蓉,造業集聚與碳減排空間溢出效應研究——基于技術交易視角的檢驗,生态經濟, 2022,38(02)
姜啟軍,基于糧食和民生物資保障的城市安全韌性研究,糧食與油脂, 2021,34(12)
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楊正勇,中國水産品對美出口增長效應分析——基于 CMS 模型,中國漁業經濟, 2022,40(01)
楊正勇,美國綠色貿易壁壘等因素對中國水産品對美國出口貿易的影響,海洋開發與管理, 2022,39(06)
孫琛,“雙循環”格局下中國水産品進口貿易波動研究,中國漁業經濟, 2022,40(03)